A Nationwide document management company.

Medical Records Laws in Pennsylvania


Medical Records Custodian & Retention Laws

Are you planning to close your medical practice or retire?
Morgan Records Management (MRM) is the top choice for managing medical records in the US, and we’re here to help! Our team will guide you through every step of the process to ensure a smooth transition.

Morgan Records Management:

Has over 25 years of experience with Providers in ALL 50 States!
Handles 3,000-4,000 Patient Record Requests a month
Manages over 1,500 Physician Practices Nationwide
Assists in Notifying Patients of the Practice Closing - Via Email and Closing Practice Letters
Offers Secure Physical and or Digital Storage of Records
Is Fully HIPAA Compliant
Is Responsible for over 15 million Patient Records
Assumes Custody of Physician’s Website and Handles all Patient Communications

Contact us today by phone (833) 888-0247 or fill out our request form and we will be happy to assist you!

Pennsylvania Medical Record Retention Law:

  • * Must keep medical records for seven years after the last treatment date.
  • * Minor children, medical records must be kept for one year after the age of majority or for seven years, whichever is longer. The age of majority is considered 18 years of age; 21 years of age if disabled or earlier if emancipated (free from parental guidance).
  • Hospitals must keep medical records for seven years after the date of discharge, and for minors, until the age of majority plus seven years.



Pages 1-20: $1.89 per page
Pages 21-60: $1.40 per page
Pages 61-end: $0.49 per page
Microfilm copies: $2.79 per page
Search and retrieval: $28.01 (cannot be charged if the requestor is requesting their own personal health record)

Flat fees:
Social Security or financial needs-based programs: $35.50
Requests by a district attorney: $28.01

Pennsylvania Medical Board